Stone Process Equipment Co.
PO Box 4243
Akron, OH 44321
Phone (330) 668-3040
Contact: Jim Stone

The Stone Process Equipment Co. is a manufacturer's representative organization specializing in equipment for the process industries. These industries are primarily the petroleum refining, chemical, and steel industries, as well as the many engineering firms which service these industries. We normally serve a territory of the United States including all of Ohio, western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and adjacent parts of Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan.

The types of equipment we specialize in include:

The following are some of the manufacturers we work with:

Heat Transfer Equipment

Other Fluids Processing, Vessels, Custom Fabrications, and Environmental Systems

This page is always being updated, and will will include more inquiry data sheets to help you better define your requirements and specifications. In the meantime, please feel free to call us or send an E-mail to if you need specific information on any of these products or help with a project.

Inquiry Data Sheets

TEMA Heat Exchanger

Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger

You can print these on your printer, fill them out, scan and email them to us.


Downloadable API-560 Fired Heater data sheets

(English Units only for now, in Microsoft Word 97 format)

General Information on Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers

We have a number of years experience in designing and working with Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers. This section includes a general description of where they are used, how they are constructed, and some comments about various features and options which we hope you will find helpful.

Why Doesn't My Cooler Work?

Lack or loss of performance in coolers seems to be rather common these days. Here are some ides on the subject, as well as some suggestions as to what you can do about it.

Rubicon Standard Vapor Condensers

This data would be useful if you want to know about how large a normal shell and tube exchanger would be based on its surface area. It includes a table of sizes ranging from 6"X48" to 24"X192", and includes approximate weights also. There is a sketch showing the general configuration of this type of heat exchanger. The tube counts would need to be adjusted downwards if there are multiple tube passes where the pass partitions would reduce the total number of tubes in a given diameter shell. The chart is based on 3/4" diameter tubes only.

Web page design by Jim Stone
This page was established December 1, 1996